ICSEI 2019 Conference

Ms Bernie Mizzi and Professor Grace Grima have just presented their piece on ‘Collaborative professionalism in action to impact learners after an educational reform. A case study from Malta,’ during their trip to ICSEI 2019 Conference in Norway.

They are joined by Chiswick House School and St Martin’s College Senior Leaders, Marica Portelli, Claire Felice Pace and Audrey Fenech Adami, who are participating in many of the very interesting educational programmes and have also been visiting many different schools in Stavanger, Norway.

Why ICSEI? Why does Chiswick House School and St Martin’s College (CHSMC) always send members of the Senior Leadership Team to ICSEI? For systemic change!

ICSEI is the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement. It takes place every year at the same time of year and in different countries. This year it was in Norway, in conjunction with University of Stavanger.

ICSEI, attracting more than 800 delegates from across the globe, offers CHSMC a window into most of the educational systems of the world and certainly a view of cutting-edge educational research and successful innovative practices and strategies. We find it a very cost-effective way to extend our Senior Leaders’ knowledge of the best educational practices out there, to give them the opportunity to network with some of the best educational organisations, to share our own interesting experiences and to reflect upon innovative practices to improve our learners’ experiences. We are therefore collaborating, communicating, critically appraising, making horizontal connections and creating new knowledge when we come back and work with our teams.

There were many highlights – Our Senior Leaders came back with endless ideas regarding the Assessment Review we are currently pursuing. Norway is a world-leader in Early Childhood Education so some of their wonderful practices have been imported!