Pre-Pathway Course

St Martin’s College Sixth Form, in collaboration with EC Malta, is offering students a unique opportunity to study in Malta and improve their English language skills. Our years of experience have shown us that the most successful students at Sixth Form are the ones whose knowledge of the English Language is deep and sound. Throughout the Pre-Pathway course, besides improving their English language skills, the students’ learning wlll focus on communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. An active participative approach to learning is in place so that the students are well-prepared for the years ahead of them. The small class size allows for individual attention.

Upon completion of this course, students join the Pathway (Base Year) course for one scholastic year before starting their studies in Level 12.

Entry Requirements
1. A virtual/physical assessment test to determine the student’s level of English.
2. Authenticated educational reports (latest) from the educational institution that the student last attended.

General Information

  • This Pre-Pathway Course commences at the end of September and ends in the last week of June.
  • There will be a two-week break for both Christmas (December / January) and Easter (March / April).
  •  Timetable Details: Monday to Friday. Each day’s timetable may vary but on average, the school day starts at 8.30am.
  • International students are responsible for arranging their own accommodation.
  • English lessons take place at EC Malta in St Julian’s, while all other lessons take place at St Martin’s College in Swatar.
  • Transport between EC and St Martin’s College and vice-versa is included.
  • Throughout the year a number of excursions to places of interest are organised.
  • Students must make their own way to St Martin’s College or EC Malta at the beginning and end of the school day. However, transport between the two schools is included in the fee.

English at EC Malta:
The course consists of 20 lessons of English per week. Each lesson is 45 minutes long.
These lessons will take place at EC Malta in St Julian’s.
Lessons at St Martin’s College
This programme will consist of the following. Each lesson is 40 minutes long.
– 4 Lessons of Mathematics per week.
– 4 Lessons of Cultural Orientation per week. This innovative course will ensure that students from all parts of the world begin to become accustomed to the different cultural, social and educational practices and requirements in Malta or any other European country. This course prepares students for active and experiential activities and collaborative approaches such as group work, project work, as well as peer and self assessment practices. Students will understand how the Maltese system and other European systems work and how they can adapt to these new ways for educational success.

– 2 lessons of Biology per week
– 2 lessons of Chemistry per week
– 2 lessons of Physics per week
– 2 lessons of Art per week
– 1 mentoring lesson per week. This mentoring session also takes into account of the fact that many international students have many questions that need answering. The general wellbeing of every student is an important starting point for all study programmes. We genuinely care about the students entrusted to us and schools and therefore this opportunity of connecting is always well-received.

The successful student who follows this Pre-Pathway Course will attend lessons regularly. A minimum of 80% attendance is expected for students to be able to sit for the final examination session held at the end of June. Serious medical reasons, backed by authenticated medical certificates, will be the only exception allowed for.
At the end of this course, students who successfully pass their annual examinations will progress to study in the Pathway (Base Year) Course.

Pre-Course Recommendations
It is highly recommended that students whose mother tongue is not English should attend an EC Live (Premium Course) for as long as they can before they start this Pre-Pathway Course. The better prepared a student is in English the better their chances of success over the Pre-Pathway Course.