Category: Archives

Chiswick House School’s Secret Garden

Chiswick House School's Secret Garden Did you know? Chiswick House School has a secret garden! Grow10TreesMalta supplied our plants, which are indigenous Maltese flora, and the furniture is made from repurposed wooden pallets. In the future, we will be installing some authentic Maltese tiles donated by Lazarus Tiles. We are excited to make use of this space for outdoor learning, reading initiatives, and to keep it available for all teachers to use. This is a joint project with many wonderful contributors, some of which are last year’s school committee, this year’s Ekoskola team, and Sarah Lanzon. Thank you to all staff and workers involved in this lovely project!
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Road Safety Education for Early Years 1

Road Safety Education for Early Years 1 What an exciting and educational day for our Early Years 1 pupils! Two traffic police officers arriving on motorcycles visited Chiswick House School to engage our pupils in a fun and informative session about road safety. They had a blast! We extend our heartfelt thanks to the police officers who took the time to visit us and educate our pupils.
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Level 3 End Of Year Celebration

Level 3 End Of Year Celebration A very big well done to our level 3 pupils who recently had their end-of-year performance! The children dazzled us on stage, bringing authentic learning experiences to life by reminding us all of the impact humans have on our planet, and of our 8Cs. A massive thank you to those involved in this celebration!
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Level 2 Yellow Donate to WWF

Level 2 Donate to WWF A massive well done to our Level 2 Yellow pupils for their donation to World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) after raising money by creating handmade cards about endangered animals and selling them to the Level 2 and Level 1 pupils. The topic about Animals in Danger emerged through a story read to them called Harry and the Dinosaurs go Wild, related to the emergent topic being done in class, The Land Before Time. As the story unfolds, Harry and his dinosaurs are horrified to discover that some animals are in danger of becoming extinct. Harry wants to help save them, but Sam says that he is too small and cannot do anything that will make a difference. In the book, Harry made handmade cards and sold them to raise funds for these animals, and our pupils followed!
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Bjorn Formosa visits SMC

Bjorn Formosa Visits SMC We send our heartfelt thanks to Mr Bjorn Formosa for visiting St Martin’s College and having an insightful discussion with our Middle School students about @darbjorn and voluntary work. Our students presented Mr Bjorn Formosa with a sum of money raised during Langfest in a symbolic display of their support and generosity.
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Firefighters visited Chiswick House School

Firefighters visited Chiswick House School Sound the alarm! Firefighters came to our school to provide our pupils with a valuable educational experience. Our pupils had a wonderful time learning about fire safety, interesting experiences, and exploring firefighters’ equipment and the fire engine. Thank you to the firefighter heroes who came and to those involved in making it happen!
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French Outing Level 7

French Outing Level 7 Our Level 7 students studying French as a foreign language recently visited Valletta. During this outing, they had the chance to identify various landmarks and monuments related to the French presence in Malta, enhancing their cultural awareness and appreciation. Through these immersive language-learning experiences, students had the valuable opportunity of practicing the French learnt in class, while enjoying some typical French desserts!
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CHS and SMC Staff attend the CEER Conference

CHS and SMC Staff attend the CEER Conference Mr Paul Galea, Ms Rebecca Cassar and Ms Sarah Lanzon had the opportunity to attend "CEER at 20 - Driving Change, Inspiring Innovation" Conference held at Valletta Campus. The conference focused on Education for Sustainable Development and showcased its achievements. It reflected CEER's mission in addressing current and future challenges, and shared best practices in the field. Ms Sarah co-presented her work as part of the session "An experience of educators practicing ESD in two independent schools." Additionally, she also had the opportunity to display "Crossroads," an educational board game about water conservation that she also co-created. They all look forward to continuing to implement good practice in line with international research in their work at Chiswick House School and St Martin's College.
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Best of Rock The House

Best of Rock The House A massive well done to our talented St Martin’s College students for their dazzling performances during our 'Best Of Rock The House' show. They truly rocked the house for their friends and family, and we are so proud of them. Keep on shining! We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff for organising this wonderful initiative. The sense of community and togetherness turned this event into something truly special, creating treasured memories for all.
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Level 1 and Level 2 Family Mornings

Level 1 and Level 2 Family Mornings Our Level 1 and Level 2 Family Mornings were super exciting and productive at Chiswick House School. Level 1 families embarked on a marvelous journey starting with a dynamic body percussion performance echoing the harmonies of nature. Afterwards, they grounded themselves with a relaxing yoga practice, after which they dove into the artistic realm with captivating painting activities. Level 2 pupils enjoyed a thrilling day packed with transformative theatre performances, fascinating science experiments, and the enchanting opportunity to plant their own green wonder in jars! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing staff for organising these beautiful family celebrations and to all our wonderful families for joining us. Thank you for making these moments so special!
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