Category: Sixth Form News & Events

Level 12 Yearbook Cover Design Winners!

Congratulations to our Level 12 Yearbook Cover Design Winners A huge congratulations to our cover design winners: Level 12 students Nicholas Samut, Karol Sammut and Lena Coole who displayed excellent creativity by designing the cover of our yearbook. This artistic initiative formed part of their Graphical Communication lessons, where 3 designs were integrated to add a collaborative and diverse touch to our St Martin's College yearbook. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr Joseph, Engineering Drawing & Graphical Communication Lecturer, for his invaluable guidance. We also take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all the other talented students who submitted their wonderful designs, well done to all!
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Women’s Day Conference Organised By FIDEM

Level 13 Students Attend This Year's Women's Day Conference Organised By FIDEM Level 13 students Thais Farrugia and Elena Castaldi Paris as well as the College's Careers Adviser, Ms Eleanor Abela, attended this year's Women's Day conference organised by FIDEM. This year's theme “Count her in: Accelerating gender equality through economic empowerment,” aligned with the UN's slogan for the 2024 International Women's Day, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”. It was a morning of thought-provoking discussions with representatives from education, government enterprises, NGOs as well as a Fidem service user who shared her experience on how education helped change her life.
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Sixth Form Students Hold Online Discussion with Spanish Students

Sixth Form Students Hold Online Discussion with Spanish Students Students attending St Martin’s College Sixth Form participated in an online discussion with Spanish students who attend Humanitas Bilingual School in Madrid. The exchange of ideas and opinions focused on issues concerning both countries and the EU, as well as the sharing of personal experiences as students of EU countries. St Martin’s College Sixth Form regularly provides students with different opportunities to effectively achieve cross cultural competence and strives to enrich the students’ intercultural experience.
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Dr Roberta Metsola Visit

Dr Roberta Metsola Visit to St Martin's College On March 8th, Dr Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, visited St Martin’s College. Dr Metsola was greeted by the College’s Board of Directors, alongside Mr Anthony Abela (Senior Leader Sixth Form) and members of the Sixth Form Student Council. Sixth Form students then had the opportunity to engage in conversation with her about various current issues. At the end of her visit, Dr Metsola also met some Level 11 students. We extend our gratitude for her enriching visit.
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St Martin’s College Sixth Form Students In Strasbourg

St Martin's College Sixth Form Students In Strasbourg A group of 24 St Martin’s College Sixth Form students left for Strasbourg on February 28th to participate in the prestigious annual Euroscola event. Accompanied by our dedicated teachers, Paul Galea, Donatella Bongailas, and Stefan Galea, our students will also have the privilege of visiting the Council of Europe and exploring various other points of interest in Strasbourg. This trip serves as an invaluable opportunity for our students to engage firsthand with European affairs and broaden their horizons. We look forward to hearing all about the enriching and unforgettable experiences from this wonderful experience.
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Model European Parliament

Model European Parliament St Martin’s College Sixth Form is pleased to announce that a team of five students has just won the 12th National Session of the Model European Parliament held at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. Gianluca Baldacchino, Gabiel Borg Ferrando, Daniel Pisani, Nicholas Samut, Celeste Tan Panza have the opportunity to travel to Tallinn, Estonia in April to participate in the 59th iMEP Session along with youth delegations from the different EU states. The MEP Programme is a non-partisan leadership programme for youths in EU member states and is considered to be a training ground for future leaders. The team received training and was then assigned to different committees that had to deliberate on specific European issues. They then had to draft a resolution on issues such as drought and international trade. Congratulations!
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Malta Junior Science Olympiad

Malta Junior Science Olympiad We are very pleased to announce that St Martin’s College, represented by Catriona Jo Buhagiar, Amber De Brincat and Lara Schembri, won second placed in the Malta Junior Science Olympiad (MJSO). This annual initiative, organised by the Science Centre, targets gifted students in Biology, Chemistry and Physics from different schools across Malta and Gozo. The team, nominated by our SMC Science Department, worked together to tackle hands-on investigations. It's a remarkable achievement and a testament to the hard work, dedication, and collaborative efforts of our students. Well done girls!
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Ice Breaking Day

News or Event Title First-year students attending St Martin’s College Sixth Form participated in an Ice Breaking event which was organised to welcome our new cohort. The day consisted of team-building activities which were held at Mistra Bay during which students had the opportunity to get to know each other better before starting their formal lectures. Wishing our sixth formers every success as they embark on a new and enriching journey.
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LUX Awards Ceremony

LUX Awards Ceremony St Martin’s College Sixth Form recently attended the LUX Awards Ceremony and EPAS Youth Seminar in Brussels. Three students, Yitong Shen, Emma Borg Manduca and Thais Farrugia, were accompanied by Ms Karen Camilleri, the College’s teacher of French. They had an opportunity to network with young people from other European Programme Ambassador Schools. The students also participated in various talks and seminars and attended the LUX Film Awards 2023. The highlight of their trip was a meeting with Dr Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament.
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